Why Your TikTok Ad Campaigns Aren’t Getting Impressions

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It’s pretty obvious that TikTok is a huge player in the social media game, if not, the biggest at the moment. It has not even proven to gain traction from a lot of businesses using the platform to generate organic interest, it also has many users using ad campaigns to further promote their products or services.


With new ad campaigns and platforms come a lot of testing to get the results you are looking for. A common problem that users are encountering with their first TikTok Ad campaigns is reach or lack thereof. But… Do not despair! This article will help you pinpoint why your ads are not getting any impressions and what YOU can do to fix it.

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Your Audience Is Too Targeted

cartoon audience image with a stop symbol

This is typically the most common and obvious reason. Running a new ad campaign on a new platform can be scary and it’s common to counter this new campaign anxiety with narrow targeting (sometimes too narrow).

This is a very simple fix and can be addressed by implementing additional audiences, removing some audiences that are limiting your reach, or enabling targeting expansion for some of the higher relevant audiences.

Your Cost Cap Is Too Low

Like Facebook and Instagram Ads, you have the opportunity to set cost caps/bid caps. This is especially the case when you are optimising towards conversions. Cost cap bidding is similar to Google’s Target CPA bidding strategy where you are telling the platform that you would like to achieve conversions for a specific cost.

Whilst this strategy does align with making your campaigns more cost effective, it can limit your reach to the extent of not generating anything. 

To fix this, try removing the cost cap or gradually increasing it until you find the sweet spot.

Your Conversion Events/Objectives Are Too Hard To Optimise Towards

When you are optimising towards conversions within your campaigns, you can select what type of conversions you want to generate from your ads i.e. events associated with purchases. In some instances, if this is too hard to achieve in the eyes of TikTok, your reach will be affected. This can be triggered by a lack of completions associated with that event/objective type or issues with your tracking.

To address this, check that your tracking is correctly in place, this can be done by installing the TikTok Pixel Helper chrome extension and cross referencing this with event completions on your site. This chrome extension tells you if there are instances of errors associated with the TikTok pixel on your site and where these errors are occurring. 

If your tracking is all in place, try optimising towards a conversion event that is easier to achieve. For example if you were originally optimising towards the “make a purchase” objective, try switching this to the “add to cart” objective. You can always go back to your original campaign setup at a later date once you start getting the data you need!