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What Makes An Epic Product Title

If you’re familiar with product feeds you’re likely familiar with product titles, for those who are new to the Google shopping world, Google will use your product title to match your product to the user’s search query. 

Needless to say, your product title is one of the most important attributes within your product feed and optimizing it can truly elevate your visibility on Google Shopping. 

What makes an epic product title? Here’s your go-to checklist to transform your titles and take your feed to the next level.

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All Your Product Titles Should Be Unique

Duplicate titles will trigger limitations on your listing and even result in product listings being disapproved. Think of this principle the same way you think about SEO, Google HATES duplicate content on a website, so why would the rules be different for shopping products. Any instances of product disapprovals or limitations will ultimately impact the performance of your Google Ads activity.

Product Titles Should Be Relevant To The Product

Irrelevant titles will not only trigger lower click-through rates, but they will also impact the quality of your clicks. Inaccurate listing info is also the gateway to generating a high bounce rate once the user gets to your site. Ensure you are describing the product clearly and be specific to inform the user as much as possible before clicking on your ad (more on this below).

In addition to impacting the quality of traffic to your site, inaccurate listing information is yet another way to open the door to more product disapprovals.

Check Your Grammar!

It goes without saying but language used absolutely needs to be professional and grammatically correct. No one wants to click on an ad that’s riddled with grammatical errors.

Avoid Over Capitalization

It’s time to add yet another item to the list of what can get you a product disapproval. Excessive capitalisation in product titles can appear spammy, this can lead to users perceiving your ad as less trustworthy and Google is all about gaining trust. Instead of opting for completely capitalized titles, use title case for a professional and clean look.

SEO Friendly Titles

You’re allowed up to 150 characters in your product titles, make sure you are utilizing all of them. BUT front load your product’s most important features in the first 70. 

Why? Because Google will often only show up to the first 70 characters in your listing and won’t always show the full 150, making 70 characters the most optimal length for being both SEO friendly AND providing the user with lots context and info about your product. It’s important to also ensure that you don’t exceed the 150 limit as this can also lead to product approval limitations.

So what information do we need to front load into our product titles?

  • Product Name

Your product name is the most important element to be at the forefront of your title and should be keyword driven. This way you are showing the user that your product is relevant to what they are looking for.

  • Brand

Introducing your brand in your product title is a great way to boost your brand’s awareness within your prospecting activity. 

  • Specific details about your product 

Such as certified, organic etc. When providing these attributes, follow a similar principle to the product name and make them keyword/query driven. For example, let’s say you are selling a raincoat, and your research identifies that there is demand for terms relating to “waterproof coat or jacket” this would be the perfect opportunity to state the waterproof attribute of your raincoat.

Just ensure when using these attributes that you’re accurately describing your product!